How To Make Money on Facebook

How To Make Money on Facebook in 2021

The Internet brings many possibilities to easily earn money from home. Among all that exists, Facebook is the perfect platform to make ends meet legally: sale of products or services, link sharing… Here is an overview of the different compensation methods available through this social network.

How To Make Money on Facebook

How To Make Money on Facebook

1st method: Sell your services

Become a community manager for companies

The mission of the community manager is to make and animate a community on the net. However, if some companies want to be present on the web, they have neither the time nor the knowledge necessary to properly feed their page: offer them your services.

While this solution requires some solid knowledge of how Facebook works to properly adapt to your customers' universe, there are free and accessible training courses, without necessarily going through a school. Once you have learned the main techniques of community management, there are jobbing sites, like 5euros, which are very effective when it comes to finding assignments.

In addition, do not hesitate to also get started on Instagram, because the presence of brands is strongly recommended to reach an even larger audience. Instagram is an application belonging to the Facebook group, it would be a shame to do without.

Sell sponsored posts on Facebook

If you have a page with some notoriety, go for sponsored posts. Concretely, you can go through advertising agencies or canvass companies yourself using jobbing sites like 5euros.

For example, if your Facebook page specializing in DIY brings together a large community of fans who appreciate the advice and tutorials regularly posted, a company in the sector might ask you to put online a publication around its brand, to reach people interested in its services and products. On the one hand, the sponsored post will generate flows to the website of the DIY company and on the other, you participate in its advertising, in exchange for a small remuneration (or a nice sum of money if your fan community is particularly good).

2nd method: Sell your products

Advertise your own products

This compensation option via Facebook involves creating your own products. Fortunately, there are free training courses to assist you to develop them quickly, especially within the sort of YouTube videos.

Then, Facebook will help you build and unite your own community. Know that the "live" video is an excellent way to boost your page: the YouTuber Théophile Eilet provides you with the keys on his YouTube channel. Launch a product, create anticipation on the part of the fan, film in a podcast, or even write an FAQ. Here, you will have to spend a few euros more to allow you to reach a larger target.

Note that you just may also prefer to create regular posts to your blog to push and sell the merchandise.

Create a sales area

Today, it is no longer useful to have a website or a blog to sell, use the “Marketplace” area of Facebook. Different categories will be offered to you: rental, house, and garden, clothing and accessories, vehicle, electronics, etc.

Not to mention that the social network also allows you to create a store on your page by adding a "Store" tab in the settings. Here you can manage all aspects of your business on one and the same platform, namely sales, orders, and communication.

3rd method: Play on the links

Affiliate with Facebook

Joining is making money through links, either by redirecting to an internet site or by sharing links to profitable sites like Loonea and Moolineo.

These sites work by completing small quick missions, paid from a few cents to a few euros: registration on a site for remuneration, product tests, etc. The most lucrative of these is sponsorship.

Get paid to like: the "Paid to Like"

The “Paid to Like” concept is simple: you get paid a few cents to animate Facebook pages. The transaction is completed via a specialized site like Likeup.

Note that this method is additionally valid for other social networks: Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.

Create a "Cashlink"

The "cashlink" is a link that is used to win easy money. Before displaying the destination of the link, an advertising transaction is inserted. Of course, the more clicks the link earns, the higher the compensation will be. Traditionally, it fluctuates around €2.50 per 1,000 views.

The main advantage of this method is that it is durable over a long period, expressed in months or years. Not to mention that the link will work even more if your community is large. Here is a website to create these ties, then share on Facebook:

Beyond Facebook, other solutions exist to earn money, especially on the sites mentioned in this article: paid surveys, website tests, link sharing, sale of products and services ... Discover the most serious on Blog PK. The only condition is to spend a little time there every day.

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